Clear a set of voxels. Clearing means that the state variables of the selected voxels are altered as if they were clear of any vegetation. Namely:

  • number of echo set to zero

  • intercepted beam surface set to zero (if variable is outputted)

  • plant area density set to zero (if variable is outputted)

  • transmittance set to one (if variable is outputted)

  • any attenuation variable set to zero

Other state variables such as sampling intensity, mean angle, entering beam surface, etc. are unaltered. A cleared voxel is not the same as an unsampled voxel (not "crossed" by any beam).

clear(vxsp, vx)

# S4 method for VoxelSpace,data.table
clear(vxsp, vx)

# S4 method for VoxelSpace,vector
clear(vxsp, vx)

# S4 method for VoxelSpace,matrix
clear(vxsp, vx)



a VoxelSpace object.


(i, j, k) voxel coordinates as a data.table::data.table with i, j, k columns, a vector (i, j, k) or a matrix with i, j, k columns.


# load a voxel file
vxsp <- readVoxelSpace(system.file("extdata", "tls_sample.vox", package = "AMAPVox"))
# clear 1st voxel
clear(vxsp, c(0, 0, 0)) # clear 1st voxel
#>          i     j     k ground_distance nbEchos nbSampling   lgTotal lMeanTotal
#>      <int> <int> <int>           <num>   <int>      <int>     <num>      <num>
#>   1:     0     0     0            0.25       0       3369 1100.3662  0.3266151
#>   2:     0     0     1            0.75       0       3129  904.9130  0.2892020
#>   3:     0     0     2            1.25       0       2406  751.1223  0.3121872
#>   4:     0     0     3            1.75       0       2106  659.1803  0.3130011
#>   5:     0     0     4            2.25       0       1919  602.4054  0.3139163
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 416:     6     5     5            2.75       0       1533  495.9831  0.3235376
#> 417:     6     5     6            3.25       0       1394  458.5256  0.3289280
#> 418:     6     5     7            3.75       0       1261  422.9537  0.3354113
#> 419:     6     5     8            4.25       0        823  283.2120  0.3441215
#> 420:     6     5     9            4.75       0        813  288.8458  0.3552839
#>       sdLength angleMean bsPotential bsEntering bsIntercepted transmittance
#>          <num>     <num>       <num>      <num>         <num>         <num>
#>   1: 0.1866441  68.74669  0.18236696 0.18164480             0             1
#>   2: 0.1943504  61.30513  0.17215119 0.17109131             0             1
#>   3: 0.1980757  54.47612  0.13515397 0.13368462             0             1
#>   4: 0.1985490  52.09007  0.12226181 0.12128547             0             1
#>   5: 0.1975347  51.82097  0.11477382 0.11332583             0             1
#>  ---                                                                       
#> 416: 0.1947745  51.03537  0.09570192 0.09483800             0             1
#> 417: 0.1926026  52.84722  0.08968004 0.08821365             0             1
#> 418: 0.1887876  54.56818  0.08480823 0.08081702             0             1
#> 419: 0.1861656  71.59585  0.06110164 0.05498709             0             1
#> 420: 0.1826305  72.38877  0.06070402 0.05445548             0             1
#>      PadBVTotal attenuation_FPL_biasedMLE attenuation_FPL_biasCorrection
#>           <num>                     <num>                          <num>
#>   1:          0                         0                              0
#>   2:          0                         0                              0
#>   3:          0                         0                              0
#>   4:          0                         0                              0
#>   5:          0                         0                              0
#>  ---                                                                    
#> 416:          0                         0                              0
#> 417:          0                         0                              0
#> 418:          0                         0                              0
#> 419:          0                         0                              0
#> 420:          0                         0                              0
#>      attenuation_FPL_unbiasedMLE weightedEffectiveFreepathLength
#>                            <num>                           <num>
#>   1:                           0                      0.05982848
#>   2:                           0                      0.04976479
#>   3:                           0                      0.04226232
#>   4:                           0                      0.03827859
#>   5:                           0                      0.03578283
#>  ---                                                            
#> 416:                           0                      0.03092307
#> 417:                           0                      0.02917568
#> 418:                           0                      0.02708526
#> 419:                           0                      0.01887177
#> 420:                           0                      0.01926193
#>      weightedFreepathLength attenuation_PPL_MLE distLaser
#>                       <num>               <num>     <num>
#>   1:             0.05956666                   0  3.585220
#>   2:             0.04955374                   0  3.768980
#>   3:             0.04207453                   0  3.980582
#>   4:             0.03810857                   0  4.410619
#>   5:             0.03562487                   0  4.757694
#>  ---                                                     
#> 416:             0.03078603                   0  5.328756
#> 417:             0.02904613                   0  5.649271
#> 418:             0.02696477                   0  5.863010
#> 419:             0.01878658                   0  6.421073
#> 420:             0.01917410                   0  6.466489
# clear butterflies
clear(vxsp, butterfly(vxsp))
# clear voxels with less than two hits
clear(vxsp, vxsp@data[nbEchos < 2])
#>          i     j     k ground_distance nbEchos nbSampling   lgTotal lMeanTotal
#>      <int> <int> <int>           <num>   <int>      <int>     <num>      <num>
#>   1:     0     0     0            0.25       0       3369 1100.3662  0.3266151
#>   2:     0     0     1            0.75       0       3129  904.9130  0.2892020
#>   3:     0     0     2            1.25       0       2406  751.1223  0.3121872
#>   4:     0     0     3            1.75       0       2106  659.1803  0.3130011
#>   5:     0     0     4            2.25       0       1919  602.4054  0.3139163
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 416:     6     5     5            2.75       0       1533  495.9831  0.3235376
#> 417:     6     5     6            3.25       0       1394  458.5256  0.3289280
#> 418:     6     5     7            3.75       0       1261  422.9537  0.3354113
#> 419:     6     5     8            4.25       0        823  283.2120  0.3441215
#> 420:     6     5     9            4.75       0        813  288.8458  0.3552839
#>       sdLength angleMean bsPotential bsEntering bsIntercepted transmittance
#>          <num>     <num>       <num>      <num>         <num>         <num>
#>   1: 0.1866441  68.74669  0.18236696 0.18164480             0             1
#>   2: 0.1943504  61.30513  0.17215119 0.17109131             0             1
#>   3: 0.1980757  54.47612  0.13515397 0.13368462             0             1
#>   4: 0.1985490  52.09007  0.12226181 0.12128547             0             1
#>   5: 0.1975347  51.82097  0.11477382 0.11332583             0             1
#>  ---                                                                       
#> 416: 0.1947745  51.03537  0.09570192 0.09483800             0             1
#> 417: 0.1926026  52.84722  0.08968004 0.08821365             0             1
#> 418: 0.1887876  54.56818  0.08480823 0.08081702             0             1
#> 419: 0.1861656  71.59585  0.06110164 0.05498709             0             1
#> 420: 0.1826305  72.38877  0.06070402 0.05445548             0             1
#>      PadBVTotal attenuation_FPL_biasedMLE attenuation_FPL_biasCorrection
#>           <num>                     <num>                          <num>
#>   1:          0                         0                              0
#>   2:          0                         0                              0
#>   3:          0                         0                              0
#>   4:          0                         0                              0
#>   5:          0                         0                              0
#>  ---                                                                    
#> 416:          0                         0                              0
#> 417:          0                         0                              0
#> 418:          0                         0                              0
#> 419:          0                         0                              0
#> 420:          0                         0                              0
#>      attenuation_FPL_unbiasedMLE weightedEffectiveFreepathLength
#>                            <num>                           <num>
#>   1:                           0                      0.05982848
#>   2:                           0                      0.04976479
#>   3:                           0                      0.04226232
#>   4:                           0                      0.03827859
#>   5:                           0                      0.03578283
#>  ---                                                            
#> 416:                           0                      0.03092307
#> 417:                           0                      0.02917568
#> 418:                           0                      0.02708526
#> 419:                           0                      0.01887177
#> 420:                           0                      0.01926193
#>      weightedFreepathLength attenuation_PPL_MLE distLaser
#>                       <num>               <num>     <num>
#>   1:             0.05956666                   0  3.585220
#>   2:             0.04955374                   0  3.768980
#>   3:             0.04207453                   0  3.980582
#>   4:             0.03810857                   0  4.410619
#>   5:             0.03562487                   0  4.757694
#>  ---                                                     
#> 416:             0.03078603                   0  5.328756
#> 417:             0.02904613                   0  5.649271
#> 418:             0.02696477                   0  5.863010
#> 419:             0.01878658                   0  6.421073
#> 420:             0.01917410                   0  6.466489